Third Level Courses
The following is a sampling of programs and services performed for our clients:
Third Level Selling™ Preview: Third Level Selling™ Series preview
Third Level Selling™: Advanced Partnering Skills for Service Professionals.
Third Level Client Service Excellence™: Advanced Partnering Skills for Non Business Development Professionals.
Third Level Masters Program: Next level skills and practice for participants who have completed a Third Level Series program.
Third Level Coach the Coaches Program: For Managers who have completed at least Introduction To Third Level Selling. Teaches mangers how to monitor, evaluate, and reinforce Third Level Skills in their people.
Targeted Performance Objective Classes:
How to Win RFP’s: How service buyers choose, and how elite providers win “Bake Off’s” without competing on price, fees and rate.
Third Level Recruiting™: Advanced Recruiting Skills for Managers.
Third Level Presentations™: Advanced Proposal and Presentation Skills for Service Sales Professionals.
Winning In The Invisible Market: How to create the business instead of wait for it.
Strategic Conversations: How to raise the level of your client conversations to build strategic partnership.
Client Decision Funnel: How and Why Clients Choose One Provider Over The Rest.
Decision Hierarchy: Understanding and aligning to the 10 drivers of differentiation.
Gaining Access: How to get the initial meeting with prospective clients
Accelerating Personal Relationships: Personal relationship is the biggest driver of choice from among the qualified.
Accelerating Your Message: According to clients, most service providers are saying the same things. This course shows you how to create difference and preference in your message.
Strategy Sessions – What changes do you need to make in order to respond to structural market shifts? Are your service offerings, strategies and tactics, message and pricing still aligned with what your target clients want and prefer over competition? Are your distribution channels, incentive plans and client acquisition skills the right fit for this market? Effective change will only occur when: 1. Key players believe that the status quo is no longer tenable, 2. There is consensus for a new vision, and 3. There is a reliable and achievable plan to attain it. We have found that dramatic improvements can be made by gathering key players together and allowing them to focus on marketing and sales issues and alternatives. We facilitate offsite sessions with key management, marketing and business development professionals to help you update your strategy for optimal market alignment.
Value Proposition Reengineering – What makes your service valuable to a client? What makes you different and better than your competition? Can you and your business development professionals quickly articulate what you do, how it is different, why that difference is important to this client, why it is difficult for competitors to match and prove it in a few sentences? If you are not aware of, or cannot quickly establish value with prospective clients, then clients will be less incline to see you, value your services, choose you over competition, pay you what you are worth or commit to supporting your solution. In these sessions we work with you to become more aware of why your best clients use your service and choose you over alternatives. From that awareness we help you create a value message that makes it easier for clients to see and appreciate what makes you different and better.
Client Satisfaction Tracking – Even rapidly growing concerns realize most of their revenues from existing clients. That means existing business is far more important than even new business. Yet most providers do little or no satisfaction tracking. If you can’t measure it, you can’t fix it. Our research shows that highly satisfied clients are twice as likely to be loyal as satisfied clients. Traditional service satisfaction attributes like experience, capability, timeliness, thoroughness, responsiveness, etc. have become minimum requirements and are no longer differentiators. We can help you track and measure satisfaction to protect your primary source of revenues. Those metrics can also be used to differentiate you when acquiring new clients.
Key Note Speeches – Bob Potter is a frequent speaker on the subjects of client acquisition, client retention and corporate identity.
Special Consulting Projects – We offer marketing and sales support for special projects such as:
RFP Support – We can help you win that critical pursuits with feedback and advice on tactics, competitive positioning and presentation.
Business, Marketing or Sales Plans – Do you collect and share critical business development success metrics? They can be a powerful driver of best practices. Do your professionals have a clear plan to make their numbers? Are you planning to offer a new service or introduce an existing service into a new market? We can help you build a game plan.
Key Executive Coaching